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Welcome to the Friends of Friendless Churches

We rescue and protect historic places of worship in England and Wales

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News & Events

Wondrous woodwork!

The timber repairs at St James’s, Llangua are a joy to behold. Here, we share some behind the scenes photos of the carving, planing, chiseling, splitting and lathing that has gone into the project so far.

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Help protect the VAT refund scheme for listed places of worship

The Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme could be cut. This would be devastating for the FoFC and for churches across the UK. Learn how you can add your voice to the cause.

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Stories from our churches

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More ways to help the
Friends of Friendless Churches


We’re an independent charity and receive no government funding in England, and a modest grant in Wales. With your support, we can continue to save vulnerable churches. This year, all donations are being match-funded by a benefactor, so your donation will be doubled.

Leave a legacy

If you have a passion for historic churches, please consider leaving the Friends of Friendless Churches a gift in your Will. Your generous bequest will help protect our heritage for future generations.


Do you live near one of our churches and would like to give us some hands-on help? Or would you like to support us with some volunteer work from home? Please get in touch if you would like to get involved.

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