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Match-fund your donation this year

Donate to support our work by March 2025 and your donation will be doubled!

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Evensong & AGM - 28 September 2024

Save the date for this year's AGM at St Mary's, Long Crichel in Dorset. Booking opens soon.

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Welcome to the
Friends of Friendless Churches

We rescue and protect historic places of worship in England and Wales

Over the centuries, churches have fallen out of use for many reasons. But we believe that these buildings represent the spiritual and artistic investment of generations, that they belong to all of us, and should be preserved for the future. We currently care for more than 60 places of worship in England and Wales.

Follow the link to learn more about what we do and why we do it.

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News & Events

Gumfreston: 70% complete!

Day by day, the venerable church of St Lawrence is emerging from the stranglehold of decay. Our latest update explains how far we've come.

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Can you help us save four churches this year?

We want to save four historic churches in England and Wales this year - at Worthenbury, South Runcton, Bodwrog and Llanddoged. Can you help?

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We've adopted St Mary's, Kenderchurch

In October 2023 St Mary's, Kenderchurch in Herefordshire came into our care. This medieval hilltop church will require substantial repairs costing in excess of £250K.

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Stories from our churches

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More ways to help the
Friends of Friendless Churches


We’re an independent charity and receive no government funding in England, and a modest grant in Wales. With your support, we can continue to save vulnerable churches. This year, all donations are being match-funded by a benefactor, so your donation will be doubled.


Leave a legacy

If you have a passion for historic churches, please consider leaving the Friends of Friendless Churches a gift in your Will. Your generous bequest will help protect our heritage for future generations.



Do you live near one of our churches and would like to give us some hands-on help? Or would you like to support us with some volunteer work from home? Please get in touch if you would like to get involved.


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