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Stones Stolen from Llanelieu

Author: Clare

Published: 20/09/2023

Updated: 20/09/2023

We’re sad and frustrated to report that eleven sandstone paving slabs have been stolen from the area around the porch of St Ellyw’s, Llanelieu, Powys. We have reported this heritage crime to the police, and notified churches and heritage sites in the area.

Anyone with any information should contact the Rural Crime Team at Dyfed-Powys Police.

The monetary value of the slabs is relatively low, but these slabs are part of the historic fabric of the building and churchyard. That someone would rip them out of the ground, where they have lain for centuries, is truly disheartening. Sometimes, when confronted with this anti-social behaviour, protecting our historic places of worship feels like a Sisyphean task. But we must keep going; we are determined that these buildings — which represent the faith, creativity and resilience of their local communities over hundreds of years — must continue to survive for many generations to come.

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